Spintronics Logic

What is Spintronics Semiconductor

While maintaining computational performance, Spintronics logic reduces power consumption to 1/100

While advancing the development of MRAM technology, Tohoku University is also designing application processors such as nonvolatile microcontrollers and image recognition processors using STT-MRAM, SOT-MRAM, and MTJ/CMOS Hybrid technology, which is a fusion of spintronics technology and silicon CMOS technology. We conducted a prototype using a 300mm process line and demonstrated that the power consumption was less than 1/100 compared to conventional silicon technology. This technology is considered a game-changing technology that reduces power consumption and improves computing performance.

Lower power consumption of integrated circuits using spintronics semiconductor technology demonstrated at Tohoku University

Lower power consumption of integrated circuits using spintronics semiconductor technology demonstrated at Tohoku University

Tohoku University Center for Innovative Integrated Electoric Systems