Required low power consumption technology for semiconductors

What is Spintronics Semiconductor

Semiconductors will become a priority field in order to achieve carbon neutrality in 2025

The government has declared that it aims to achieve carbon neutrality by reducing overall greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050*1. On the other hand, ICT, which is becoming more sophisticated year by year, is expected to consume a large amount of energy, which is becoming a major social issue. For this reason, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has listed the “semiconductor and information and communications industry” as one of the industries expected to grow in its “2050 Green Growth Strategy for Carbon Neutrality”*2, and the social It is expected to have significant energy saving effects. In particular, efforts are strongly desired to reduce the power consumption of devices and equipment that use semiconductor technology, such as IoT devices and computers including data centers.

Semiconductors will become a priority field in order to achieve carbon neutrality in 2025

Expectations rise for “new semiconductor technology” that can significantly reduce power consumption

In order to respond to government requests and social issues, companies are increasingly moving to quickly introduce innovative and new semiconductor technologies that significantly reduce power consumption.

Expectations rise for “new semiconductor technology” that can significantly reduce power consumption